Compagnia Bellanda

Here's the Deal

Ai sensi dell’art. 9 comma 2 e 3 del Decreto Legge 8 agosto 2013 n. 91 convertito con legge 7 ottobre 2013 n. 112, si rende pubblico che:

Giovanni Leonarduzzi – Presidente e Legale Rappresentante Compagnia Bellanda ed in qualità di Direttore Artistico
Lia Claudia Latini – Vicepresidente Compagnia Bellanda ed in qualità di Direttore Organizzativo

dell’Associazione medesima

non percepiscono alcun compenso.

La composizione del Consiglio Direttivo è stata confermata a Giovanni Leonarduzzi, Lia Claudia Latini e Dagmar Schaegg in assembla ordinaria in data 17/01/2025.

Statuto Compagnia Bellanda


Atto costitutivo

contributi ricevuti 2024

contributi ricevuti 2023

contributi ricevuti 2022

contributi ricevuti 2021

So fresh 'n So clean

G a v a

Giovanni Leonarduzzi, aka "Gava", boasts an artistic path rooted in breakdance, started in 1996 and refined through intense training with European excellence in the sector. His rapid rise led him to represent Italy and to be invited as a judge in prestigious international competitions, including the JusteDebout (Paris), Dance Festival Berlin, Fusion Concept (Paris), Circle Industry (Austria) but also Break the Floor (Slovenia), HHC (Italy), B-Boy Pro-Am (Miami) and finally the legendary FreeStyle Session (Los Angeles).

This technical and competitive background has further expanded thanks to the theatrical experience, gained by collaborating with italian great names in dance such as Enzo Celli, Michela Lucenti and Abbondanza/Bertoni, who contributed by providing him with some of the precious tools necessary to develop a defined and recognizable choreographic style.

Confirmations of its artistic value come from the numerous awards obtained, such as the participation in the "Vetrina per la giovane danza d'autore Anticorpi XL (2012-2016), the Premio Equilibrio Roma (2013)), Corto in Danza and relevant festivals such as Oriente Occidente, en Cadiz Danza, DanzaTTack, Cuerpo Romo, Lucky Trimmer, Stray Birds Dance Platform Taipei, New Dance for Asia (Daegu), Hong Kong Dance Exchange, Macao CDE Springboard, Florence Dance Festival, Union PDX Portland, but also the participation in the International Gala of the Brno Opera next to world-class stars such as Dorothee Gilbert, the Paris Opera etoile, and Michal Krcmar, star of the Helsinki Opera. Each experience has been used as an opportunity for study and growth, transforming into a wealth of skills that today enriches Bellanda's artistic direction.

International competitions in the field of contemporary choreography in which Leonarduzzi participates also contribute to artistic growth: Masdanza, CICC Copenhagen, RIDCC Rotterdam, Mash Jerusalem, Choreography33, 10 Sentidos, DanzaXtrema and many others.

In 2012 Gava founded the Bellanda project, originally born together with his crewmates and, since 2018, concretized in the cultural association Compagnia Bellanda Ets, founded together with Claudia. With a calibrated and constant growth, in 2022 Compagnia Bellanda becomes the first and only italian dance company founded and directed by an artist, Leonarduzzi, of urban origin, language and vision (breakdance) to receive the support and recognition of the Italian Ministry of Culture.

artistic director

gray computer monitor

D o n ' t s t o p t h e E v o l u t i o n

S t a y U p T o D a t e

s u b s c r i b e t o t h e n e w s l e t t e r

You didn’t come this far to stop

D o n ' t s t o p t h e E v o l u t i o n