Compagnia Bellanda

Our Projects,


...and everything that can enrich body and soul

our Soul Food

Floor Flirting

We call it "Floor Flirting" the format we propose in our classes.

It originates from the countless peculiarities and characteristics that make up Breakdance, a discipline that is based on an articulated and synergistic work between the upper body (arms, shoulders, neck), the center (abs and back) and the lower part (legs), often overturned on different planes.

The rules of physics are exploited in favor of an aesthetic search for movement: falls to the ground are used to channel the force that is created in them, harnessing it in slides as if to follow trajectories. We study how to use the levers, which the body provides, in a dynamic and intuitive way.

So Fresh 'n so Clean

gray computer monitor

ph. Emanuele Chirivino

D o n ' t s t o p t h e E v o l u t i o n

S t a y U p T o D a t e

s u b s c r i b e t o t h e n e w s l e t t e r