S i m p o s i o

Created and danced by Lia Claudia Latini and Giovanni Leonarduzzi
The lucky short-format show that has been presented from 2022 to date in Italy, Germany, Spain, Holland, France, Portugal, U.S.A., Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and Japan:
10/23/22 DanzaXtrema Certamen Coreografico (Navalmoral de La Mata) (first prize of the jury and audience award)
07/25/22 Certamen Danza en el Camino (Burgos and New York) (first prize)
08/07/22 Copenhagen International Choreography Competition (audience award)
02/07/22 Hannover Choreography36, BalletGesellschaft (first prize of the jury, production award and audience award)
30/06/22 Florence Dance Festival
06/22/2023 RIDCC Rotterdam
12/10/23 Gala Dance for Life - Brno Opera Theater
09/23/23 Almada Dance Fortnight, Portugal
16-19/11/23 Union PDX Festival, Portland, Oregon
12/17/23 Stray Birds Dance PlatformTaipei, Taiwan
26/01/24 Pharos de Arras, France
05/07/24 festival 10 Sentidos, Valencia (audience award)
10/19/24 Certamen Masdanza29 (audience award)
20/10/24 Masdanza extension Tour (Canary Islands)
12/14/24 Macau CDESpringBorad festival
12/20/24 Hong Kong Dance Exchange
02/09/25 Odoru Akita Festival, Japan
2025 selected for Redacieloabierto (Spain )
Compagnia Bellanda offre spettacoli emozionanti che uniscono danza e cultura, portando la tradizione friulana nel mondo.
Giovanni Gava