Compagnia Bellanda

Our Projects,


...and everything that can enrich body and soul

our Soul Food

Assaggi Estemporanei

is the new performative "box" that offers a unique opportunity for the audience to interact with the dance in the creation phase, in intimate events and attending unfinished shows, where artistic research and the creative process are placed at the center of the feedback. The audience is therefore made more aware of its decisive role in the growth of the performance itself, thus stimulating it to become an integral part of the performance and maintaining a relationship of closeness and intimacy with the artist and his evolving work.

Bellanda establishes a new habit, a new "performative place" thought as protected space and time, a parenthesis in which to host new thoughts, new creations, still work in progress, which need pure "tests".

Convinced that the performance is strictly connected, in an essential way, with the public, Bellanda has created an environment in which the public can look out at UNFINISHED shows. To shows still full of questions, emotionality, potentials. By inviting a close circle of the public and active operators in the FVG region, in order to maintain the intimate and sensitive environment, these events are concluded with the meeting between the public and the author, thus offering the public the opportunity to attend and contribute to the creative and evolutionary process of the performance through the exchange, and the author an opportunity to test what he is looking for without pressure from "finite" forms, without requests for "clear answers".

A support therefore to the concept of the author's creative process

and a contribution to the growth of the public.

ph. Nio Gigante

gray computer monitor

ph. Nio Gigante

D o n ' t s t o p t h e E v o l u t i o n

S t a y U p T o D a t e

s u b s c r i b e t o t h e n e w s l e t t e r