in da House

We are an Italian dance company born, raised and rooted in Friuli Venezia Giulia. We combine the technique and philosophy of breakdance, from which the artistic director Giovanni Gava Leonarduzzi comes, with choreographic visions of contemporary dance. In our creations, the tradition and culture of the territory are mixed with hybrid languages that are the result of a long research and evolution of dance techniques.

Tradition and Innovation
Passion and Perseverance
Compagnia Bellanda was born as a concept and project in 2012, from the vision of "Gava", Giovanni Leonarduzzi, who from breakdance wants to expand the research "elsewhere". From 2012 to 2018 the path is long and characterized by experiences in Italy and abroad, until finding a concrete structure in the cultural association Compagnia Bellanda Ets. In 2022, with a good dose of courage and obstinacy (and perhaps also recklessness), Compagnia Bellanda manages to receive the contribution from the Italian Ministry of Culture, thus becoming the first Italian dance company created and directed by a hip hop vision (Breakdance) to obtain this support and this recognition.
Let's cut to the chase
Bellanda produces shows for Italian theaters, presents its creations in Italian and European theater seasons, in international festivals and platforms, national and international showcases of contemporary authorial dance and is invited to represent contemporary dance in international galas, promoting and disseminating not only an evolution of the hip hop philosophy but also a "made in Italy product" and supporting local culture also through the organization and realization of events and reviews supported by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.
What's on?

Enigma di un Abbraccio
In the heart of a dense fog, three women dance in a silent rhythm.
Their hidden faces suggest unsaid stories, while the shadows play with the light enveloping the environment in a mysterious embrace.
Each step is an invitation to explore the unknown, while their gaze is lost in the infinite.
The human hare stands out against this dreamy background. His eyes shine like beacons of wisdom, revealing a depth that seems to transcend time and space.
His presence brings a fascinating contradiction, mixing the masculine and the feminine, the known and the unknown.
When he finally decides to dissolve his mystery, the revelation spreads like an echo in the air. The hare is not just a strange character, in this ethereal world, but a symbol of rebirth and transformation. His feminine essence, hidden under layers of appearance, represents the power of life and hope. The fog lifts, revealing a landscape that is not only dreamlike, but also full of potential and new beginnings, a place where mystery and truth coexist in an eternal dance.

ph. Emanuele Chirivino
D o n ' t s t o p t h e E v o l u t i o n
S t a y U p T o D a t e
s u b s c r i b e t o t h e n e w s l e t t e r