Compagnia Bellanda

Support Us

Compagnia Bellanda Ets is a reality that is born, grows and matures in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Bellanda was born from the union of forces, visions and intentions of the two founders and presents its vision of contemporary dance in theatrical seasons and festivals not only in Italy, but also in Europe and overseas. Compagnia Bellanda is, basically, the result of so much obstinacy and perseverance and, in 2022, receives recognition as a "dance production company" by the Italian Ministry of Culture.

A sign, this, which although small, remains of great importance because Bellanda is the first Italian company founded and directed by a vision of purely urban origin to receive this recognition in Italy.

As a result, a new road, so far never traveled in Italy, opens up conceptually for the entire urban and hip hop world.

This is a change of perspective that Bellanda is proud of, and that Bellanda aims to disseminate through creation, production and also through training.

Compagnia Bellanda is active in the regional territory aiming to include young artists from the same territory, encouraging local activity and exchange in order to increase the skills of individuals. Young dancers are hired to create the shows and are involved in the organization and realization of festivals and direct festivals designed by the company itself.

Dona il tuo 5 x 1000

a Compagnia Bellanda Ets

codice fiscale


If you also believe in our business, you can support us with a simple and free action: with a signature you can donate your 5x1000 to Compagnia Bellanda association Ets.

A signature is not "just a signature"​

La tua scelta e la tua azione avrà un impatto significativo sull'attività della compagnia e, automaticamente, anche sul fermento artistico che gravita attorno ad essa.

But what is the 5x1000?

It is the share of the IRPEF (Income Tax of Individuals) that a taxpayer can allocate with the tax return in favor of non-profit organizations, universities, scientific research institutes and associations with social interest purposes.

UNLIKE DONATIONS, IT DOES NOT INVOLVE ANY ADDITIONAL EXPENSES. INSTEAD, IT IS AN EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY OF CHOICE: each of us can freely decide the reality to which to allocate part of the taxes on our income.

And how does it work?

In the tax return form (Modello Unico, 730 , CU) you will find the space: "Choice for the destination of the five per thousand of the IRPEF"

Signature in the box "Support of third sector entities registered in the RUNTS"

Enter the tax code of Compagnia Bellanda association Ets 91045500310 under the signature, in the space "Tax code of the beneficiary"

.....And as a thank you we will be more than happy to invite you as a special guest to all our activities!

Y o u d i d n ’t c o m e t h i s f a r t o s t o p

You didn’t come this far to stop

D o n ' t s t o p t h e E v o l u t i o n

gray computer monitor

ph. Nio Gigante

D o n ' t s t o p t h e E v o l u t i o n

S t a y U p T o D a t e

s u b s c r i b e t o t h e n e w s l e t t e r